Congratulations to the 4th grade, 6th grade, 8th grade, 16u and 17u teams who participated in the Big Mountain Jam in Salt Lake City, Utah.
The 4th grade team went undefeated they went 5-00 and won the CHAMPIONSHIP!
Congrats to our Hoopster girls on a great tournament! Coach Cesar and Coach Oscar have these girls playing. They are fun to watch.
Congrats to our 6th grade girls on a great tournament. These young ladies played their hearts out. We are so proud of you.
Congrats to the 8th grade girls who went undefeated and won the CHAMPIOSNHIP! These young ladies have been on the grind for a few years and are starting to maximize their potential. Great work Coach Billy and Coach Mike!
Congrats to the 16 u girls who played their hearts out. We went 2-3 on the weekend. We will be back working hard. It's all part of the process.
Congrats to the 17u team. We went 5-1 on the weekend and won the CHAMPIOPNSHIP! These girls have been competing for many years to get to this level. We are so proud of you. Great work Coach Mike
and Coach Billy!
Thank you to all the parents and Hoopsters for your hard work and support. Thank you to ServPro for your endless work in the community. We love you guys.
